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In December 2011 TERRATEST GmbH was accredited as official calibration institute for Light Weight Deflectometers by the German Federal Road Research Institute (BASt). The company, situated in Lehnitz near Berlin, has developed its own calibration system and is calibrating as well as repairing devices of all manufacturers.

“Therefore we are able to serve our customers quickly and conveniently, when the devices need a new calibration”, says Dr. rer. nat. Bernhard Korsch, head of the calibration institute at Terratest. “We are calibrating the devices at a deflection of 0.3 millimeters, which equals the width of a human hair, whereat the deviation of the single measurements amounts to less than 5 μ.”

“Right now, we have so much on our plate that our heads start spinning. Predominately in the winter months a lot of companies get their devices calibrated”, says Schulz, who was not prepared for such a massive demand. By now, the company has dealt with the great rush, however. The current waiting time for calibrations is three work days at most.

TERRATEST GmbH is developer and producer of the Lightweight Deflectometer “TERRATEST 3000 GPS” and is selling this modern test instrument in Germany exclusively through their own experts without any intermediaries. This ensures that every customer receives a professional, sound briefing at time of delivery.

Nearly all the components of the device, like the complete range of turned and milled parts as well as most components of the electronic box, are produced in Germany and meet highest quality standards. The compliance with strict manufacturing tolerances, which the German and Austrian test code for Light Weight Deflectometers dictates, is guaranteed through a precise production process with a rigorous final inspection.

The high-quality protective coating of the metal components as well as the manufacture of selected, sturdy materials ensures the long service life of your “TERRATEST 3000 GPS” and its suitability for the construction site.